David, Mihaly : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

David, Mihaly

track and field

Country Represented:

Years Competed:
1906 (unofficial Olympics)

Medals Received:

Olympic Info:
Mihaly won the silver medal in the shot put (11.83 meters, 38'9-3/4") at the 1906 Olympics, which were unofficial. They took place in Athens and were generated to re-energize the Olympic movement, which had been troubled with poor attendance at the 1900 and 1904 Games. Although considered "unofficial," the Games attracted 900 athletes from 20 countries, including for the first time, an official U.S. team picked by the Olympic Committee (the 1904 St. Louis Games had only 681 athletes, and 525 were from the U.S.).

Birth and Death Dates:


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The Jewish Almanac, edited by Richard Siegel and Carl Rheins (New York: Bantam Books, 1980)
The Complete Book of the Olympics, by David Wallechinsky (New York: Viking, 1988)