Leonard, Benny : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Leonard, Benny
Photograph Collection

Benny Leonard. Boxing gloves. Worn in title defense vs. Joe Welling. 1920

Source: unknown

Benny Leonard. Boxing gloves. Interior. Autographed " to John Haukop"(the bout's referee). 1920

Source: unknown

Poster. "Worlds Champions and Past Greats of the Prize Ring". Featuring Benny Leonard, Abe Attell and Barney Ross. Late 1940's

Source: unknown

Benny Leonard. photograph close-up of #29

Source: unknown

Untitled poster. Fighters pictured clearly named and numbered. Featuring Benny Leonard (#6), Barney Ross (#8), and Pedro Montanez (#10)

Source: Ray Arcel collection

Benny Leonard. News article. The Weekly News (Glasglow,Scotland) written by Ray Arcel

Source: Ray Arcel collection

Benny Leonard, arguably the greatest of all lightweight champions, in his prime. The photo is autographed to Nat Fleischer of Ring magazine.

Source: Leslie Pollack collection

Picture of Benny Leonard, considered by many to be the greatest lightweight fighter in history.

Source: The Jewish Sports Hall of Fame

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