Chulak, Efim : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Chulak, Efim
Photograph Collection

Poster of No. 3, Efim Chulak, who was described by an opponent as someone who "could jump out of the gym."

Source: Efim Chulak

Picture of the Soviet National Volleyball Team in the 1970s, when the Soviets were the best team in the world. Efim Chulak is fourth from the left in the middle row.

Source: Efim Chulak

Newspaper article the day after Israeli hostages are killed by Palestinean terrorists during the 1972 Munich Games. Efim Chulak, a member of the Soviet Volleyball Team during the Olympics, saved the newspaper from that fateful day.

Source: Efim Chulak

Efim Chulak's jacket from his stint as coach of the Israeli Men's National Volleyball Team.

Source: Efim Chulak

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