Kling, Johnny (Noisy) : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Kling, Johnny (Noisy)

John Kling

Kling, who was not Jewish, was married to a Jewish woman by a rabbi, causing many to believe that Kling himself was Jewish. Listed in the encyclopedia of Jews in sports and other publications as Jewish, Kling never denied the rumors. Peter Levine wrote in his book Ellis Island to Ebbets Field that Kling's wife wrote to Cooperstown to clear up "erroneous reports" and that he "was baptised in the Lutheran Church." She said: "I often tried to get Johnny to deny rumors that he was a Jew, but he said he didn't care what was written about his religion."

This turn-of-the-century Cub star is one of the greatest catchers in the history of the game. An outstanding defensive receiver, he was so good a batsman that he hit .312 in 1906. In his spare time, he also won the world's professional pocket billiard championship! Known as a "a fellow of exemplary habits," according to his contemporary ballplayer Davey Jones, quoted in encyclopedia of JEWS in sports. "He neither used tobacco nor drank. He was never boisterous. He was well-liked by his opponents as well as his teammates."

Birth and Death Dates:
February 25, 1875--January 31, 1947

Career Highlights:
Kling hit .312 in 1906, and .317 in 1912. He played in four World Series with the Chicago Cubs; in the 1907 World Series, he held the great Ty Cobb without a single stolen base! In fact, the only year between 1906 and 1910 that the Cubbies did not win the pennant -- 1909 -- was the year that Kling held out for the season.

Career Dates:

Catcher. Played outfield and first base on occasion, and one game each at third base and at shortstop.

Physical description:
5'9 1/2", 160 lbs. Right-handed.

Career Statistics:
Games: 1260
Batting Avg.: .272
Slugging Avg.: .357

At-bats: 4241
Hits: 1152
Doubles: 181
Triples: 61

Home Runs: 20
Home Run %: 0.5
Runs: 475
RBI: 513

BB: 281
Strike Outs: 114
Stolen Bases: 121

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 50
Hits: 9

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 5571
Assists: 1562
Errors: 217
Double-plays: 131

Total Chances per Game: 6.1
Fielding Avg: .970

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Also, read a chapter from Jewish Baseball Stars by Harold U. Ribalow and Meir Z. Ribalow