Stearns, Dan : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Stearns, Dan

Daniel Eckford Stearns

In a seven-year career, the popular Stearns played every position except pitcher. Dan played for Buffalo and Detroit of the National League, and for Cincinnati, Baltimore and Kansas City of The American Association. Stearns is listed as Jewish in the encyclopedia of JEWS in sports; but one of the encyclopedia's authors, Jesse Silver, has now affirmed that further research indicates Stearns was not Jewish.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. October 17, 1861 -- d. June 28, 1944

Career Highlights:
There is no record of how many bases he stole in the first six years of his career -- 1880-85 -- but in his last season, 1889, he swiped 67! Dan hit .286 that year for Kansas City; his lifetime average was a more modest .242. 1889 was his career year -- he also had 24 doubles, drove in 87 runs, and stole the aforementioned 67 bases. The following season, in the minor leagues, he swiped 80!

Career Dates:
1880-85; 1889

First base, primarily (437 games); but also played 36 games in the outfield, 24 at shortstop, 9 at third, 3 at second, and caught in 12.

Physical description:
6'1", 185 lbs. Right-handed.

Career Statistics:
Games: 509
Batting Avg.: .242
Slugging Avg.: .325

At-bats: 2025
Hits: 491
Doubles: 72
Triples: 37

Home Runs: 7
Home Run %: 0.3
Runs: 295
RBI: 109

BB: 173
Strike Outs: 117
Stolen Bases: 67

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 0
Hits: 0

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 4467
Assists: 268
Errors: 260
Double-plays: 211

Total Chances per Game: 9.6
Fielding Avg: .948

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