Kauff, Benny : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Kauff, Benny

Benjamin Michael Kauff

Known as a flashy dresser and a fast talker, Benny was a lifetime .310 hitter in the majors. Kauff was initially listed as Jewish in the encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, but one of the encyclopedia's authors, Jesse Silver, has now confirmed that Kauff was not Jewish.

Birth and Death Dates:
January 5, 1891 -- November 17, 1961

Career Highlights:
The slugging outfielder once led the Federal League in hitting with a tremendous .366 average; he also stole 75 bases that season (1914). The following year, he again led the league in batting, at .344, and in stolen bases, with 54. He hit .308 in 1917, and swiped 30 bases, helping the Giants win the pennant. In the World Series, he homered twice in one game.

Career Dates:
1912 (5 games); 1914-1920


Physical description:
5'8", 157 lbs. Left-handed.

Career Statistics:
Games: 859
Batting Avg.: .311
Slugging Avg.: .450

At-bats: 3094
Hits: 961
Doubles: 169
Triples: 57

Home Runs: 49
Home Run %: 1.6
Runs: 521
RBI: 454

BB: 367
Strike Outs: 208
Stolen Bases: 234

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 4
Hits: 2

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 1881
Assists: 136
Errors: 85
Double-plays: 29

Total Chances per Game: 2.5
Fielding Avg: .960

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