Pitler, Jake : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Pitler, Jake

Jacob Albert Pitler

Though Pitler enjoyed a brief career with Pittsburgh (1917-18), he is better known as a long-time coach of the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Jake Pitler Award was established in 1963 at Harpur College (Binghamton) and is given annually to a male senior who has made a significant contribution to the athletic program (not limited to varsity athletics).

Birth and Death Dates:
b. April 24, 1894 - d. February 3, 1968

Career Highlights:
In the encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, Pitler tells of his playing career: "I broke into organized ball in 1912 at Connelsville, Pa., but I didn't last. In 1913 I signed with Jackson, Michigan, played shortstop and second base, fielded pretty good, but I didn't hit too well. In 1915, this league folded and Detroit took over my contract and shipped me to Chattanooga in the Southern League...I hit a ton, about .360, and the Pittsburgh club bought my contract...I found the major leagues too tough from a hitting standpoint, but there was one day I'll never forget. I got two triples off the great Grover Cleveland Alexander. I certainly felt good about that." Pitler played 111 games in the majors and was a .232 lifetime hitter. He did hit 8 doubles and 5 triples in 1917, with 6 stolen bases.

When the Pirates farmed Pitler out three games into the 1918 season, Jake decided to drop out of organized ball rather than play in the minors. He began coaching in the late 1920s and joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1948. Jake coached under four different managers and six pennant winners, including the 1955 World Series champs. On two occasions, he was honored at Ebbets Field, and he donated all gifts to the Beth-El Hospital in Brooklyn for the establishment of a special Jake Pitler Therapy Room. When the Dodgers moved to Los Angeles, Pitler remained with the organization as a scout on the East Coast.

Career Dates:
Pitler played for the Pittsburgh Pirates, 1917-18.

Second base. Played 3 games in the outfield.

Physical description:
5'8", 150 pounds

Career Statistics:
Games: 111
Batting Avg.: .232
Slugging Avg.: .279

At-bats: 383
Hits: 89
Doubles: 8
Triples: 5

Home Runs: 0
Home Run %: 0.0
Runs: 40
RBI: 23

BB: 31
Strike Outs: 24
Stolen Bases: 8

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 0
Hits: 0

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 288
Assists: 279
Errors: 22
Double-plays: 46

Total Chances per Game: 5.4
Fielding Avg: .963

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
The Baseball Encyclopedia: Tenth Edition (New York: McMillan, 1996)