Sharon, Dick : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Sharon, Dick

Richard Louis Sharon

An outfielder in the 1970's, Sharon (his father is Jewish) played for the Detroit Tigers and the San Diego Padres.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. April 15, 1950

Career Highlights:
In his rookie year (1973), Sharon hit .242 with 7 home runs in only 178 at bats. He played two more seasons in the majors, for the Tigers and the Padres, and retired with a .218 career average.

Career Dates:
Sharon played for the Detroit Tigers, 1973-74, and the San Diego Padres, 1975.


Physical description:
6'2", 195 pounds

Career Statistics:
Games: 242
Batting Avg.: .218
Slugging Avg.: .345

At-bats: 467
Hits: 102
Doubles: 20
Triples: 0

Home Runs: 13
Home Run %: 2.8
Runs: 46
RBI: 46

BB: 50
Strike Outs: 95
Stolen Bases: 6

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 41
Hits: 9

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 299
Assists: 9
Errors: 10
Double-plays: 2

Total Chances per Game: 1.6
Fielding Avg: .969

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The Baseball Encyclopedia: Tenth Edition (New York: McMillan, 1996)