Stone, George : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Stone, George

George Robert Stone

"Silent George" was the 1906 American League Batting Champion, hitting .358; he also stole 35 bases. His lifetime average was .301. The Sporting News noted after his 1906 season that Stone "seldom if ever takes a drink, and he is absolutely sober and clean in his way of living... Stone's tastes run to reading and his hobby is violin playing. In fact, he would rather be a great violist with a limited income than a great ball-player with a handsome salary." Stone is listed as Jewish in the encyclopedia of JEWS in sports; but one of the encyclopedia's authors, Jesse Silver, has recently confirmed that Stone was not Jewish.

Birth and Death Dates:
September 3, 1877 -- January 3, 1945

Career Highlights:
Stone smacked 187 hits for St. Louis in 1905, to lead the league. The following season, he won the American League batting title by hitting .358, and led the league in slugging percentage as well with a rousing .501 mark; he also slugged 20 triples! He followed that, in 1907, by hitting .320. He also stole 20 or more bases in five different seasons.

Career Dates:
1903 (2 games); 1905-1910


Physical description:
5'9", 175 lbs. Left-handed.

Career Statistics:
Games: 848
Batting Avg.: .301
Slugging Avg.: .396

At-bats: 3271
Hits: 984
Doubles: 106
Triples: 68

Home Runs: 23
Home Run %: 0.7
Runs: 426
RBI: 268

BB: 282
Strike Outs: No available statistics
Stolen Bases: 132

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 9
Hits: 1

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 1490
Assists: 76
Errors: 68
Double-plays: 22

Total Chances per Game: 1.9
Fielding Avg: .958

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