Solomon, Moe "The Rabbi of Swat" : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Solomon, Moe "The Rabbi of Swat"

Mose Hirsch Solomon

In 1923, The New York Giants were, as always, looking for a Jewish star for the gate so that the club could reap the benefits of a local hero who would appeal to New York City's large Jewish population. Desperate for a slugger to offset the crosstown Yankee star Babe Ruth, known as "The Sultan of Swat", the Giants called up Moe Solomon from the minors and publicized him as "The Rabbi of Swat". But manager John McGraw didn't dare play him in the field. A born designated hitter -- born 50 years too soon -- Moe was a minor league legend, hitting 49 homers in the Class C Southwestern League, in only 108 games. Unfortunately, he also made 31 errors (at first base!). In his brief big-league stint, Solomon's fielding average was an awful .833. His entire major league career consists of two games for the New York Giants in 1923.

The son of a junk dealer in Columbus, Ohio, Moe also went by the nickname "Hickory".

Birth and Death Dates:
b. December 8, 1900 - d. June 25, 1966

Career Highlights:
His .375 batting average (three for eight) in his two big-league games included one double and one RBI. His career slugging average is thus a robust .500.

Career Dates:
Solomon played for the New York Giants in 1923.


Physical description:
5'9 1/2", 180 pounds

Career Statistics:
Games: 2
Batting Avg.: .375
Slugging Avg.: .500

At-bats: 8
Hits: 3
Doubles: 1
Triples: 0

Home Runs: 0
Home Run %: 0
Runs: 0
RBI: 1

BB: 0
Strike Outs: 1
Stolen Bases: 0

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 0
Hits: 0

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 5
Assists: 0
Errors: 1
Double-plays: 0

Total Chances per Game: 3.0
Fielding Avg: .833

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
The Baseball Encyclopedia: Tenth Edition (New York: McMillan, 1996)