Behel, Steve : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Behel, Steve

Stephen Arnold Douglas Behel

Behel was a 19th-century ballplayer who had a 2-year career in the majors: 9 games with Milwaukee of the Union League in 1884, and 59 with the New York Mets of the American Association in 1886. Behel is listed in the encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, but this web site has since been told that more recent research indicates he was not Jewish. One of the encyclopedia's authors, Jesse Silver, confirmed this information.

Birth and Death Dates:
November 6, 1860 -- February 15, 1945

Career Highlights:
An outfielder who didn't hit much, he had a .210 career average without a home run. He wasn't a great fielder, either, with 15 errors in 59 games during the 1886 season. In 1886, he scored 32 runs in 59 games.

Career Dates:
1884 and 1886


Physical description:
Not Available.

Career Statistics:
Games: 68
Batting Avg.: .210
Slugging Avg.: .249

At-bats: 257
Hits: 54
Doubles: 6
Triples: 2

Home Runs: 0
Home Run %: 0
Runs: 37
RBI: No available statistics

BB: 25
Strike Outs: No available statistics.
Stolen Bases: No available statistics.

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 0
Hits: 0

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 88
Assists: 8
Errors: 15
Double-plays: 0

Total Chances per Game: 1.6
Fielding Avg: .865

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