Feinberg, Eddie "Itzy" : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Feinberg, Eddie "Itzy"

Edward Isadore Feinberg

A utility player for the Philadelphia Phillies who hit .184 over 16 games in two seasons, Feinberg played in a double-header on Yom Kippur in 1938, a decision he regretted for the rest of his life. After going 0-8 in the two games, Feinberg said, "God punished me...Believe me, I never did anything like that again in my whole life." Feinberg played for the semi-pro Brooklyn Buskwicks after his major league career and then opened a restaurant in Philadelphia.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. September 20, 1918 - d. April 20, 1986

Career Highlights:
The son of Russian immigrant, Feinberg dropped out of Philadelphia High School in 1937 to sign a contract with the Philadelphia Phillies. A utility fielder, he played in the Phillies' minor league system for Centerville (Maryland) in the Eastern Shore League that season and Montgomery (Alabama) in the Southeastern League in 1938.

Feinberg was called up by the Philadelphia Phillies for brief stays in 1938 (10 games) and 1939 (6 games). Itzy set an unusual record by playing 12 innings at shortstop without a single fielding chance, on May 19, 1939. He was playing for the Phillies against Cincinnati at Crosley Field. The light-hitting Feinberg got two hits in the game, off highly-regarded Paul Derringer.

Career Dates:
Feinberg played with the Philadelphia Phillies, 1938-39.

Shortstop, second base, outfield.

Physical description:
5'9", 165 pounds
Throws right, bats both

Career Statistics:
Games: 16
Batting Avg.: .184
Slugging Avg.: .211

At-bats: 38
Hits: 7
Doubles: 1
Triples: 0

Home Runs: 0
Home Run %: 0.0
Runs: 2
RBI: 0

BB: 2
Strike Outs: 1
Stolen Bases: 0

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 0
Hits: 0

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 19
Assists: 19
Errors: 2
Double-plays: 5

Total Chances per Game: 3.6
Fielding Avg: .950

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The Jewish Baseball Hall Of Fame: A Who's Who of Baseball Stars, by Erwin Lynn
encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)