Sachs, Leonard : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Sachs, Leonard

Leonard David Sachs

Sachs, who coached basketball at Loyola University for 30 years, is a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame. Sachs played professional football in the NFL before becoming the basketball coach at Loyola. The school annually names the Lenny Sachs Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year.

Birth and Death Dates:
Aug. 7, 1897-Oct. 27, 1942

Career Highlights:
As an advocate of "big man" basketball, Sachs developed a stingy 2-2-1 zone defense that allowed his big men to "goaltend," leading to its prohibition in 1937-38. He coached Loyola University from 1923-1942, and had a record of 224-129, including 31 consecutive victories from 1928-1930. Sachs is a member of the Helms Hall of Fame, the Basketball Hall of Fame, and the Loyola University Athletics Hall of Fame.

Chicago, Illinois

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
The Official NBA Encyclopedia: Third Edition, edited by Jan Hubbard (New York: Doubleday, 2000)