Hirsch, P. : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Hirsch, P.

Hirsch, whose first name is unknown, played professionally in the early 1930s.

Birth and Death Dates:

Career Highlights:
In 1931, Hirsch was one of the top scorers in the American Basketball League, the first attempt at a national professional league. Playing for the Rochester Centrals, Hirsch was the league's second leading scorer during the season with 7.6 points per game (211 points in 28 games) as the Centrals finished with a combined record of 15-19.

After the 1931 season, the ABL folded due to economic problems brought on by the Depression and lack of interest in the professional game. It was revived two years later, but strictly as a regional league in the East without any national aspirations. A national league would not succeed until the Basketball Association of America began in 1946; in 1949, it was renamed the National Basketball Association, the NBA.


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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
Ronald Encyclopedia of Basketball, edited by William G. Mokray (Ronald Press: 1962)