Musicant, Art : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Musicant, Art

Arthur Musicant

Musicant played for the legendary Nat Holman at CCNY in the late 1920s. Art later became the head basketball coach at Brooklyn College. He is a member of the CCNY (City College of New York) Athletic Hall of Fame.

Birth and Death Dates:

Career Highlights:
Musicant was an excellent player at CCNY during his two varsity seasons. In 1929, along with fellow junior guard Lou Spindell, Art helped the Beavers finish the regular season with a record of 9-5.

The following season, Musicant retained his starting guard position and Spindell moved to forward. The Beavers had a strong team and finished the year with a record of 11-3. Musicant had suffered from a foot injury early in the season, but scored a game-high 14 points in his final college game, the season finale and annual showdown against rival NYU. Despite Art's excellent performance, City lost the contest, 37-33. Following the season, Musicant was named All-Metropolitan honorable mention.

New York

Career Dates:
Musicant played guard at CCNY in 1929-1930.

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
Ronald Encyclopedia of Basketball, edited by William G. Mokray (Ronald Press: 1962)
New York Times, March 9, 1930
New York Evening Post, March 25, 1930