Lazarus, Joseph : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Lazarus, Joseph

Lazarus represented the United States at the 1924 Olympic Games as a bantamweight.

Birth and Death Dates:

Career Highlights:
Lazarus finished second in the 1924 U.S. National Amateur in the bantamweight division, but still represented the U.S. at the Olympic Games. At the age of 21, Lazarus received a bye in the first-round of the tournament and was immediately placed in the final 16. In his first, and only, bout of the Olympic tournament, Lazarus lost to his Swedish opponent when he was disqualified for a foul in the second-round.


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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
Official Olympic Report of the 1924 Games