Friedman, Sailor : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Friedman, Sailor

William Friedman

An excellent lightweight and welterweight in the 1910s and 1920s, Friedman fought some of the greatest boxers of the era. Friedman is listed by as a native of Philadelphia, but the web site reports that Friedman's hometown is sometimes listed as Chicago.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. June 18, 1899 - d. unknown

Career Highlights:
Friedman began his professional career as a lightweight in 1916. By the early 1920s, he was fighting the top lightweights of the era, including Lew Tendler and Benny Leonard. In 1921, Sailor faced Tendler four times (with three no decisions and a Tendler victory), lightweight champ Leonard once in a non-title bout (an eight-round no decision), and featherweight champ Johnny Dundee once, in a 10-round no decision (Dundee often fought as a lightweight).

By the mid-1920s, as his career was nearing its end, the Sailor began fighting welterweights. He fought future champ Joe Dundee three times in 1924 and 1925, losing two decisions with one no decision. In 1925, Sailor fought champ Mickey Walker in two non-title bouts (both bouts ended in 10-round no decisions). In 1926, the final year of his career, Friedman lost ten-round decisions to "The Pride of Harlem", Jack McVey, and welterweight contender Sgt. Sammy Baker.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Physical description:

Career Statistics:
Professional record: (incomplete)
Wins: 37 (22 by knockout)
Losses: 6
Draws: 4
No decisions: 38

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co, 1965)