Kaufman, Harold : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Kaufman, Harold

Harold A. Kaufman

Kaufman played as a lineman at Cal in the mid-1920s and was a teammate of Benny Lom.

Birth and Death Dates:

Career Highlights:
In 1927, Cal had a record of 7-3-0 and outscored its opponents 184-64. The following year, they had one of the most memorable seasons in school history, capped by one of the most memorable plays in college football history. With Lom leading the way, the Golden Bears finished the regular season with a record of 6-1-1 and played in the Rose Bowl against undefeated Georgia Tech.

In that game, Tech's running back Stumpy Thomason was hit by Lom at the Georgia Tech 40-yard line and fumbled the ball. Cal's All-America center Roy Riegels picked up the fumble, got turned around, and started running in the wrong direction towards the Cal goal line!

He reached the one-yard line before Lom could turn him around, but he was then tackled on the spot. Cal chose to punt on the next down, but the punt was blocked out of the end zone for a safety. After Georgia Tech scored a touchdown in the third quarter to take a 8-0 lead, Cal scored in the fourth, but it was too little too late. Georgia Tech won the game, 8-7, and were named national champions while Cal will always remember "Wrong Way" Riegels.


Career Dates:
Kaufman played guard at California from 1927-1928.

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
66 Years on the California Gridiron by S. Dan Brodie (Oakland: The Olympic Publishing Co., 1949)