Ruben, Eddie : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Ruben, Eddie

Edmond Ruben

Ruben was noted for his hard-charging play and ground-gaining ability in the clutch at the University of Minnesota, although his career was hampered by injuries. Coach Sig Harris said, "Eddie was very spirited. After one Yom Kippur, he came out to practice after fasting all day and ended up with a broken collarbone."

Birth and Death Dates:
b. August 5, 1898 - d. October 8, 1991

Career Highlights:
Ruben played fullback at Minnesota for two seasons. In 1919, they had a fairly successful season with a record of 4-2-1, finishing fourth in the Big Ten with a 3-2-0 conference record. In 1920, Minnesota finished a pathetic 0-6-1, the first time in twelve seasons that the team had no victories.


Career Dates:
Ruben played fullback at the University of Minnesota from 1919-1920.

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)