Jacobson, Morrie : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Jacobson, Morrie

Maurice Jacobson

A tough player and hard tackler, Jacobson was a South African fullback (defender) and played on the National team in the 1950s. During his tenure with the Springboks (the National Team nickname), Morrie registered seven full caps (recognized international appearances). Jacobson was a professional player in 1959 when the first pro league appeared in South Africa. It was a white-only league since this was the era of apartheid. Jacobson also played for Southern Transvaal, a provincial (state or county) squad.

Birth and Death Dates:

Career Highlights:
Jacobson played on the South African National team from 1949-1959. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, he played in the white-only National Football League in South Africa. In 1959, his club (the Rangers) finished second in the league and captured the Castle Cup by defeating the Germiston Callies in the final match by the score of 4-2. Four years later, Jacobson helped Addington win both the NFL title and the Castle Cup (5-2 over Southern Suburbs).

Johannesburg, South Africa

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)