Heldman, Julius : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Heldman, Julius

Julius was the first player ever to win singles titles in both the American National Junior Outdoor Championship (in 1936) and the National Senior Outdoor Championship (in 1964). He is the father in the "first family of American tennis" with his wife Gladys and daughters Julie and Carrie.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. May 9, 1919

Career Highlights:
A southpaw (left-handed), Heldman began playing tennis at the age of 10 and quickly became one of the top junior players in the country. In 1936, he won the national junior championship, but left the tournament circuit when he was 19. Heldman received a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Stanford in 1942, but continued to play tennis as a "weekend" player, defeated the likes of Jack Kramer and Herb Flam. (encyclopedia of JEWS in sports)

Cleveland, Ohio

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co, 1965)
American Hebrew, January 22, 1937