Fischer, Lajos : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Fischer, Lajos

Fischer was one of Hungary's top goalkeepers in the 1920s. He appeared in nine international games for Hungary between 1924-1926. According to Andrew Handler in From the Ghetto to the Games, Fischer was a dependable goalie who was capable of acrobatic saves. During his career, Fischer played for VAC, the only exclusively Jewish club in Hungary, Hakoah-Vienna in the Austria, and in the American Soccer League in the United States.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. 1902 - d. unknown

Career Highlights:
Fischer began his soccer career with VAC in the Hungarian League in the early and mid-1920s. In 1924, he made his international debut with Hungary and eventually appeared in nine games between 1924-1926. In 1926, he moved to Austria and joined the world-famous Hakoah-Vienna soccer team. That year, he toured the United States with the club. Following the tour, Fischer remained in the U.S. and played in the ASL (American Soccer League).

During the 1926-27 season, Fischer played for the Brooklyn Wanderers (owned by Nathan Agar) and appeared in 18 games. He remained with the club in 1927-28, but then moved to the New York Giants in 1928-29 and played in the Eastern Soccer League during that season. In 1929-30, Fischer returned to the ASL to play for the Hakoah All-Stars, appearing in 32 games. Lajos remained with Hakoah for the rest of his ASL career, which ended in 1931. He played in 122 ASL games.


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From the Ghetto to the Games: Jewish Athletes in Hungary, by Andrew Handler (Boulder, Colorado: East European Monographs, 1985)
The American Soccer League, 1921-1931: The Golden Years of American Soccer, by Colin Jose (Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 1998)