Goodman, Jake : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Goodman, Jake

Jacob Goodman

Jacob Goodman was among the first Jewish players in the professional game. He was the starting first baseman for the Milwaukee Cream Citys in 1878. Jake spent most of his career in various independent leagues.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. September 14, 1853 - d. March 9, 1890

Career Highlights:
Goodman played for the substandard Milwaukee entrant in the 1878 National League. Though he was a pedestrian hitter with a .250 average, statistically speaking, he was the best fielder on the team. The first baseman enjoyed a .944 fielding average and was second in the league in put-outs.

Goodman would not find his way back into the official Major Leagues until four years later when he signed on to the Pittsburgh Alleghenys 1882 outfit of the American Association. He played very little but took his chances when he did, batting .317. He saw out his career in minor leagues including a stint at his hometown of Lancaster before retiring.

Career Dates:
Major Leaguer in 1878 and 1882.

First base

Career Statistics:
Games: 70

Batting Avg.: .258

Slugging Avg.: .321

At-bats: 293

Hits: 75

Doubles: 6

Triples: 5

Home Runs: 1

RBI: 27

BB: 9

Strike Outs: 33

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Jewish Major Leaguers Baseball Cards (by the Jewish Historical Society)
The Baseball Encyclopedia, Eigth Edition (New York: McMillan, 1990)