Turchin, Eddie "Smiley" : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Turchin, Eddie "Smiley"

Edward Lawrence Turchin

Turchin made the major leagues in 1943 as a utility infielder for the Cleveland Indians.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. February 10, 1917 - d. February 8, 1982

Career Highlights:
Eddie had thirteen at bats for the 1943 Indians, hitting .231. He played four games at third base and two at short that year. The Indians had a solid infield featuring future hall of famer Lou Boudreau among others. They finished third in the American League behind the Yankees and the Senators with a .536 record.

Career Dates:
Turchin played in 1943 with the Cleveland Indians.

Third base and shortstop

Physical description:
5"10, 165 pounds.


Career Statistics:
Games: 11

Batting Avg.: .231

Slugging Avg.: .231

At-bats: 13

Hits: 3

Runs: 4

RBI: 1

BB: 3

Strike Outs: 1

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Jewish Major Leaguers: Baseball Cards (By the American Jewish Historical Society).
The Baseball Encyclopedia, Eighth Edition (New York: McMillan, 1990)