Strauss, Joe : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Strauss, Joe

Joseph Strauss

Strauss is listed as Jewish in the encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, but one of the encyclopedia's authors, Jesse Silver, has now confirmed that more recent research shows that Strauss was not Jewish.

Birth and Death Dates:
November 16, 1844 or 1858 -- June 24, 1906

Career Highlights:
According to the encyclopedia of JEWS in sports , Strauss broke into the majors at the age of 40, which would make him one of the oldest rookies in history. The Baseball Encyclopedia has a very different account. It lists his birthday as 1858 instead of 1844, which would mean Joe was a rookie at 26 instead of 40, and change things considerably. He played from 1884-86 with Kansas City, Louisville and Brooklyn. Strauss was known for his speed -- unusual for a catcher, which was one of his positions -- and for his quick-witted joking, which made him a favorite among his peers. In 399 career at bats, he stroked 7 triples and 9 doubles, while hitting a modest .216. He was a menace in the field: in 1884, he made 14 errors in only 16 games.

Career Dates:

Played 91 games in the outfield, 7 at catcher, 2 at second base, 1 at third base, and pitched twice.

Physical description:

Career Statistics:
Games: 101
Batting Avg.: .216
Slugging Avg.: .281

At-bats: 399
Hits: 86
Doubles: 9
Triples: 7

Home Runs: 1
Home Run %: 0.3
Runs: 46
RBI: No available statistics

BB: 10
Strike Outs: No available statistics
Stolen Bases: No available statistics

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 0
Hits: 0

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 160
Assists: 51
Errors: 41
Double-plays: 1

Total Chances per Game: 2.4
Fielding Avg: .837

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