Limmer, Lou : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Limmer, Lou

Louis Limmer

Lou was truly a profile in courage, a tremendous example of what can be accomplished with grit and tenacity. Despite breaking his neck and suffering temporary blindness while sliding into third base in the Western League in 1948, he fought the odds and managed to lead the American Association in home runs and runs batted in the very next season. Finally, three years later, in 1951, Lou achieved his dream of reaching the major leagues. Limmer finished his big-league career with a .202 average in 209 games.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. March 10, 1927

Career Highlights:
Although once considered a top prospect by the Philadelphia Athletics, Limmer lasted only two seasons in the majors. Playing first base in 1951, he appeared in 94 games. He slammed five home runs, but hit for only a .159 average. In 1954, his second (and last) big-league season, Lou hit 14 home runs and 10 doubles in only 316 at-bats, for a solid slugging average of .415 to go with his .231 batting mark.

Career Dates:
Limmer played for the Philadelphia A's in 1951 and 1954.

First base

Physical description:
6'2", 190 pounds

Career Statistics:
Games: 209
Batting Avg.: .202
Slugging Avg.: .360

At-bats: 530
Hits: 107
Doubles: 19
Triples: 4

Home Runs: 19
Home Run %: 3.6
Runs: 66
RBI: 62

BB: 63
Strike Outs: 77
Stolen Bases: 3

Pinch Hitting
At-bats: 61
Hits: 13

Fielding Statistics
Put-outs: 1047
Assists: 96
Errors: 14
Double-plays: 117

Total Chances per Game: 8.4
Fielding Avg: .988

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
The Baseball Encyclopedia: Tenth Edition (New York: McMillan, 1996)