Rosenbaum, Lloyd : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Rosenbaum, Lloyd

Lloyd E. Rosenbaum

Rosenbaum played guard at Princeton University in the early 1930s and was captain of the Tigers' 1932 Ivy League champion squad.

Birth and Death Dates:

Career Highlights:
In 1930, Rosenbaum joined Princeton University's varsity basketball team. While Rosenbaum finished the season third on the team in scoring (with 41 points), the Tigers managed only a 3-7 record. In a late-season game against Ivy League champion Columbia (led by sophomore All-America Lou Bender), Rosenbaum scored a game-high 14 points, but the Tigers lost 44-25.

In 1931, Rosenbaum and Princeton were expected to improve their position in the conference. Lloyds was praised in print before the season as, " of the most deceptive players on the squad. Possessing basketball virtuosity, he can be used at any position." (New York Evening Post, December 12, 1930). Rosenbaum ordinarily played guard, but demonstrated his versatility at the beginning of the season when Princeton's starting center was injured and Rosenbaum filled in. Despite Rosenbaum's play during the year, Princeton's record was dismal; they finished 9-13, and 1-9 in conference (last place). Rosenbaum was fifth on the team in scoring with 28 points in conference play.

In 1932, his senior season, Rosenbaum was named captain of the team and was joined by a group of talented sophomores. Princeton finally climbed out of the cellar of the Ivy League to finish with an 8-2 record, tying with Columbia for first place in the conference. Princeton then won the playoff game and was crowned Ivy League champions. Rosenbaum scored 28 points in 10 conference games for the Tigers and was fifth on the team in scoring.


Career Dates:
Rosenbaum played guard at Princeton University from 1929-1932.

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
Ronald Encyclopedia of Basketball, edited by William G. Mokray (Ronald Press: 1962)
New York Times, March 6 and 17, 1930
New York Times, March 16, 1931
New York Times, March 14, 1932