Schneider, Bert : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Schneider, Bert

Albert Schneider

A member of the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame, Schneider won Canada's first Olympic gold medal in boxing at the 1920 Games despite being an American citizen!

Birth and Death Dates:
b. July 1, 1897 - d. February 20, 1986

Career Highlights:
Schneider was born in Cleveland, but moved to Montreal with his family when he was nine years old. It was in Montreal that he established himself as a boxer and had an awesome amateur career; he never lost an amateur bout. He won the Dominion championship and became the Canadian welterweight champion while an American, not Canadian, citizen -- no one thought to check his citizenship. Winning the Canadian championship qualified Schneider for the Olympic Games, although he was unaware that boxing was even an Olympic sport until he read a newspaper which stated that he had been chosen for the Canadian Olympic team.

Since no one checked his citizenship, he fought at the Games as a welterweight and won the gold medal; it was Canada's first Olympic boxing gold medal. The gold medal match (he faced Alexander Ireland of Great Britain) ended in a draw after the required three rounds, so the referee ordered a fourth to determine the winner. Schneider ended up pummeling Ireland in the final round for the victory. He turned pro following his Olympic triumph, fighting over 75 bouts during a 7-year career. He is a member of the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame.

Cleveland, Ohio

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co, 1965)