Poland, Bill : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Poland, Bill

Birth and Death Dates:

Career Highlights:
Poland began his professional career as a heavyweight in 1938 and knocked out Alex Youssem (second-round) and Elly Dodge (third-round) the following year. He continued his success in 1940 by knocking out Joe Hill in the fourth round (cut eye caused the fight to be stopped) and Enzo Avon in the first-round (fight stopped with ten seconds left in round), although he lost to Ossie Harris. Poland continued to fight often but his career took a break in 1943 when he joined the U.S. Army. He returned to the ring in 1946, but fought only one more year before retiring. Poland never received a title shot and was not considered a top contender during his career, but he was a strong puncher who won more than he lost.


Career Statistics:
Professional record: (incomplete)
Wins: 14 (11 by knockout)
Losses: 6
Draws: 2

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When Boxing Was A Jewish Sport, by Allan Bodner (Connecticut: Praeger, 1997)