Friedman, Jake : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Friedman, Jake

Jacob Friedman

Friedman appeared in three NFL games for the Hartford Blues in 1926.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. March 23, 1896 - d. November 9, 1988

Career Highlights:
In 1926, Friedman played in three NFL games for Hartford in the team's only year of existence. Hartford, with a record of 3-7, played their home games in the Velodrome, a bicycle-racing arena. The Blues were mostly composed of local talent who had never played in the NFL, and had difficulty competing in the league.

On September 26, the Blues made their NFL debut against the New York Giants in the Velodrome. A crowd of 6,500 watched the home team go against the New York Giants, who featured guard/head coach Joe Alexander. The Blues got a break when Alexander fumbled the opening kickoff and the Blues recovered on the Giants' 30-yard line. That was the Blues' high point of the day; they failed to make a first down the entire game. The Giants achieved a 21-0 victory by recovering a bad snap in the Blues' end zone in the third quarter.

The Blues finished the season with a 3-7-0 record, good for a thirteenth-place finish in the 22-team league. But the team owners in the larger cities wanted a more streamlined league and voted to cut back to 12 teams. Half of the 1926 NFL teams were scrapped, including the Hartford Blues.

Bridgeport, Connecticut

Career Dates:
Friedman played as an offensive end in the NFL with the Hartford Blues in 1926.

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The Encyclopedia of Football, by Roger Treat (New York: A.S. Barnes and Co., 1976 -- 14th Edition)
Total Football: The Official Encyclopedia of the National Football League, edited by Bob Carroll, Michael Gershman, David Neft, and John Thorn (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999)
encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)