Miller, Hy : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Miller, Hy

Hyman Miller


Country Represented:
United States

Years Competed:

Olympic Info:
Miller was the sole American representative in the flyweight class of the U.S. boxing team in the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics (every other division had at least two U.S. boxers). In the first round of the Games, Hyman lost a controversial bout to his Belgian opponent and the U.S. Boxing team wanted permission to pull the rest of the team from the Games in protest. USOC president General Douglas MacArthur refused permission and the U.S. remained in the tournament. One of Miller's teammates on the U.S. boxing team was the bronze medalist in the featherweight class, Harry Devine.

Career Highlights:
The 1928 U.S. National Amateur flyweight champion, Miller competed professionally after the Olympics. In February, 1932, he faced future world junior lightweight champ Frankie Klick in Sacramento, California. Miller lost the bout when he was disqualified for a low blow in the seventh-round.

Birth and Death Dates:

Los Angeles, California

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
