Berkenstock, Nate : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Berkenstock, Nate

Nathan Berkenstock

Some sources credit Nate as the first Jewish player in the Major Leagues. He was 40 years old when he made his only appearance for the Philadelphia Athletics in 1871. He was apparently a retired amateur player, who returned to fill a hole in the Athletic's lineup.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. 1831 - d. February 25, 1900

Career Highlights:
1871 was only the second season in which professional baseball was played. Oddly enough Berkenstock made his only appearance in the final championship match of the National Association. The game was held at the Union Grounds in Brooklyn between the Athletics and the Chicago White Stockings. The Athletics won 4-1 as Nate made the final putout. He was the oldest player in the league at the time.

Career Dates:


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