Goldman, Shorty : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Goldman, Shorty

Jacob Goldman

Goldman played for City College of New York (CCNY) in the first decade of the twentieth century. He then played professionally in the Western Pennsylvania League in the following decade. One of the league's leading scorers in 1913, he played at a time of uncertainty in the pro game. The previous year, two leagues, the Eastern League and the Hudson River League, folded.

Birth and Death Dates:

Career Highlights:
Goldman played for CCNY in the early years of the school's basketball program. In 1909, City had a good record of 8-3 and outscored their opponents 335-222 (it was only the fourth year of CCNY basketball). The following year, the Beavers had a decent 6-4 record.

After graduating from City College, Goldman played professionally in the Western Pennsylvania League. In 1912-13, he played for the Zion Council, which finished in fifth place with a record of 8-19. Goldman was the league's second highest scorer that year with an outstanding 14.9 points per game average (403 points in 27 games).

New York City

Career Dates:
Goldman played at CCNY from 1909-1910.

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
Ronald Encyclopedia of Basketball, edited by William G. Mokray (Ronald Press: 1962)