Fuller, Jake : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Fuller, Jake

Jacob Furstman

Before playing professionally in the early 1910s, Fuller was a member of the "Busy Izzies," a collection of Jewish youth on the Lower East Side who won the midget Inter-Settlement title in 1906. He played freshman basketball at CCNY in 1908, but dropped out before playing professionally.

Birth and Death Dates:

Career Highlights:
Fuller grew up on New York City's Lower East Side in the early twentieth century and began playing basketball at the University Settlement House under the tutelage of Harry Baum. As a member of the 1906 championship midget team nicknamed the "Busy Izzies," Fuller teamed with future professional greats Barney Sedran and Marty Friedman (both Hall of Famers), Ira Streusand, Lou Sugarman, and Harry Brill.

Two years later, Fuller entered CCNY (City College of New York) with Sedran, Brill, and Streusand, and helped the freshman team regularly defeat the varsity. Although he dropped out of school after his freshman year, Fuller continued his basketball career as a professional. In 1911, he joined Newburgh of the Hudson River League and played with his former "Busy Izzies" teammates, Sedran, Friedman, Streusand, and former NYU captain Joe Girsdansky (another former member of the Busy Izzies). Newburgh won the league championship during the 1911-12 season as Fuller finished ninth in the league in scoring with 3.7 points per game (84 points in 23 games), while Streusand captured the scoring title and Sedran placed seventh in the league.

New York City

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encyclopedia of JEWS in sports, by Bernard Postal, Jesse Silver, and Roy Silver (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1965)
Ronald Encyclopedia of Basketball, edited by William G. Mokray (Ronald Press: 1962)
New York Evening Post, December 11, 1934