Brock, Phil : Jews In Sports @ Virtual Museum

Brock, Phil

Phil Solomowitz

The brother of Matt Brock, Phil was a lightweight in the 1900s and 1910s.

Birth and Death Dates:
b. June 25, 1889 - d. unknown

Career Highlights:
Born in Russia, Brock and his family settled in Cleveland after they immigrated to the United States. He began his professional boxing career in 1904 as a lightweight, and fought former bantamweight champ Young Corbett II to a 10-round draw in 1907. The following year, Phil battled Hall of Famer Freddie Welsh in a 25-round bout in Los Angeles, but lost a decision. Three months later, on August 7, Brock was knocked out by another Hall of Famer, Packey McFarland. In 1909, Brock had a rematch with Welsh, but lost a 12-round decision. He continued to fight until 1914 and won 33 career bouts (against only 9 losses), but never received a title shot.


Physical description:

Career Statistics:
Professional record:
Wins: 33 (20 by knockout)
Losses: 9
Draws: 8
No decisions: 19

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When Boxing Was A Jewish Sport, by Allan Bodner (Connecticut: Praeger, 1997)